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Leukaemia: Causes, Symptoms and Prevention

Leukaemia is a medical condition where the body experiences a problem in producing blood cells. It is a type of cancer that affects the blood and bone marrow. The production of white blood cells also known as leukocytes is affected and hence it is named Leukemia.

People above the age of 55 years and under 15 are more likely to develop this problem. It is one of the most rapidly growing cancer that gets worse with each passing day. Therefore, before critical illness take a plan, so even the worst cases you’re all equipped to defend it strongly.


Leukaemia is usually of four types:

  • Acute lymphocytic leukaemia (ALL)
  • Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL)
  • Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML)
  • Chronic myelogenous leukaemia (CML)


Causes of Leukemia:

The DNA of the white blood cells present in the body get damaged in Leukemia. Because of this, a rapid multiplication of white blood cells occurs which increases their number in manifolds. Under the normal circumstances, healthy blood cells, which are produced by the bone marrow have a limited lifespan after which they die. However, in the case of Leukemia, the damaged cells become immortal and thus occupy more space. This restricts the growth and functioning of healthy leukocytes in the bloodstream.


Some common causes of Leukemia include:

  • A chemotherapy of radiation treatment
  • Exposure to tobacco smoke, chemical production or other benzene containing substances
  • History of leukaemia in family
  • Philadelphia Chromosome abnormality
  • Down Syndrome of Fanconi Anemia


Symptoms of Leukemia:

Leukaemia, like other diseases, has some early signs. Leukaemia symptoms which include:

  • Excessive tiredness
  • Considerable weight loss
  • Occasional fever and chills
  • A high tendency of developing infections


Prevention and treatment:

There is a different set of treatment for each type of Leukemia. CLL is a stable form of Leukemia where damaged cell count remains constant for ages, it does not require any special treatment. On the other hand, CML is commonly treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors. In the case of acute Leukemia, the treatments are more aggressive and include a combination of chemotherapy and medication as a treatment method.

It is very common to develop Anemia during the treatment. To ensure the level of red blood cells remains permissible, doctors perform blood transfusions. The body also gets prone to develop several infections and one has to take antibiotics as a preventive measure.

The ultimate treatment of AML & ALL is a bone marrow transplant. The success rate of bone marrow transplant depends upon the matching of the donor and the receiver’s bone marrow.

Leukaemia is a chronic disease which can be treated if diagnosed in time, however, you need to keep a close eye on Leukemia symptoms.Leukaemia treatment may also involve huge treatment cost. So, before any critical illness take a plan to stay protected from financial burdens.