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Top SEO Hacks for Your Business’s Blog

You’re a business leader, which means that you understand how important it is to always be connecting with new clients. Whether you’re finding them on Facebook or because they’ve searched for your services online, it’s important to have the best online presence possible so that they’ll know you’re the right company for them. (As opposed to your competitors, of course.) One of the best ways for this to happen is to master the SEO on your business’s blog. After all, if you appear first–or in the first couple pages–of a Google search, then they’ll click on your site and check you out. And once they see what an expert you are in your industry, they’ll choose you.

So if you’re ready to master all the right SEO hacks for your business’s blog, here’s how.

1 Make the site mobile-friendly

These days, everyone’s on their phones. You might even be reading this on your phone right now. The fact is that the average American consumer spends five hours a day on their mobile device, which means that your blog needs to be readable on a phone screen. You can’t have your consumers pinching their screen so they can read what you’re writing about or your online logo not showing up for some reason. According to Shopify, one great strategy is to use a fixed navigation bar:

“With the rise in popularity of mobile devices, scrolling, swiping and tapping have become second nature to the average online shopper. However, this reliance on tactile interaction can cause visitors to scroll past important content without a second glance. This can be bad news for ecommerce brands, and it’s up to you as a designer to ensure your client’s critical information is always getting screentime…You can accomplish this by integrating a fixed navigation bar into your mobile design.”

To learn more about making your blog mobile-friendly, check out these tips.

2 Study up on keywords–but don’t go crazy

One of the most important things you need to know when writing any blog post is what keywords to use. After all, that’s how SEO started. First, you need to understand your audience by researching them. Surveys are useful, but as SEO becomes more complex, consider using analytics tools (such as these, which are all free). It’ll be worth your while: 65 percent of companies exceeding lead and revenue goals updated their buyer personas within the last six months, which means that constantly updating your reader info will drastically improve your content.

But remember: don’t go crazy with keywords, either. Your content will sound stiff, and no one will read it anyway. According to CNG Digital Marketing, “The general guideline is to have about two percent keyword density for Google. So instead of focusing on a few choices, have a selection of about ten to twenty preferred keywords you want to your site to be associated with.”

3 Focus on quality–and length

It may sound obvious, but good writing is important for any blog. It’s even more important for a blog that’s run by a business because as more businesses start having blogs, the competition will become more intense. It’s not just about having a catchy title or the right keywords anymore; you need to have thorough, interesting, clear articles. They need to be backed up by real research, not by some statistic that dates back to 2009. If you don’t have the skills necessary to write well and with an overarching tone that matches with your business’s social media posts, it’s worth hiring content writers.

Length is important, too. According to, “The longer your post, the more keywords used. If you only write 200 words, it’s going to be very hard to use keywords in any quantity in a natural way. But if you write 1500+ words, your blog post is going to contain plenty of material for Google to analysis for relevancy.” Additionally, you’ll score more “dwell time,” which is a fancy term for how much time readers spend reading your posts. And that’s positive for SEO, too.

Google holds 80.5 percent of the total search engine market share, so putting in extra work to master your SEO will pay off in the long-term.

By following these tips, your business’s blog will have all the right features to up your SEO. That means the next time anyone’s Googling something you’ve blogged about, or a topic in your industry, your blog will be one of the first to pop up.

What other SEO hacks do you use for your business’s blog?