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Why does manufacturers not tend to care about developing plugs and sockets?

Power plugs around the world (ปลั๊กไฟ ทั่ว โลก , which so the term in Thai) has remained one of the lesser areas of research and development since it’s inception. It is mainly due to the fact that people tend to care less about power plugs and sockets and are more conscious about what type of appliances to buy. And this is where they probably make one of the biggest mistakes. As per the recent reports it is evident that most fire incidents at homes occur due to the faulty power plugs and sockets in the first place. Thus it is as important to choose the best quality power plugs and sockets as it is to choose the best quality electric appliances in the first place.

Learn the good qualities of plugs and sockets

Now if you are determined enough to get the best quality plugs and sockets to make your home less vulnerable to electric fire incidents then first know some basics of the products. Like for example the plugs and sockets should be spark-proof and should protect your appliances in cases of voltage surges or fluctuations. Then the plugs should be made from materials that do not catch fire like AVC; thus if you see PVC made plugs and sockets them you better not buy them as they are much more likely to catch fire in case of voltage fluctuations. The earthing pin should also be present there so that in cases of lightning your appliances get the best protection possible against it. So now that you know about the quality of good plugs and sockets, you should also know about the best quality

Buy plugs and sockets online from data trust power company

In Thailand there is only one brand that provides you with the best quality plugs and sockets in the market and that is Data trust power company. Data’s power plug ( ปลั๊กไฟ data ,wh ich is the term in Thai) comes with every kind of safety measures prescribed by the global community. So to Know more about the plugs and sockets and also to choose from the wide range of plugs and sockets from the house of data trust power company do visit their official website and order online.